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Green & Clean: Eco-Friendly Cleaning Tips for Your Aussie Bathroom

Eco Friendly Tips at Home

Picture this, you’re elbow-deep cleaning your bathroom and the strong chemical smell hits you. Your skin’s dry, your eyes tear up and you realise there must be a better way. That’s why we’ve put together this list of 20 eco-friendly tips for spotless hygiene while being mindful of Mother Nature. Let’s dive into the first 10, shall we?

1. Use Biodegradable Bathroom Cleaning Products

No more corrosive chemicals! Sodium bicarbonate, better known as baking soda, is a safe, biodegradable product that’s great for getting rid of grime and soap scum. Another natural cleaning agent is vinegar, a wonder ingredient in the world of eco-friendly cleaning. Its acidity tackles the hardest stains leaving your bathroom spotless without causing any harm to you or our environment. Plus, it’s significantly cheaper than your regular store-bought bathroom cleaners.

2. Install Water-Saving Shower Heads

Curbing water usage is a big step towards a greener home. In terms of daily consumption, showers are one of the biggest culprits. Opting for water-saving or low-flow showerheads can reduce your water use by half without compromising the pressure. Over time, you’ll not only save water but also cut your energy bills quite significantly.

3. Opt For Recycled Toilet Paper

We all need to wipe, but can we do it sustainably? Yes! Recycled toilet paper is an easy swap that massively decreases our impact on deforestation. Contrary to popular belief, most brands offer comfort and durability on par with conventional options while saving trees and water used in manufacture.

4. Choose Natural Fiber Bath Mats

Synthetic bath mats may look good but have you considered their environmental impact? As they wear over time, they release tiny plastic particles into our waterways. Switching to bath mats made from natural fibers like microfiber is a greener and equally stylish option. Microfiber mats are not only absorbent but also help you in maintaining hygiene.

5. Utilize Solar Power for Heating

Nature provides us with unlimited solar power, so why not make the most of it? Solar water heaters can warm up your shower-time sessions in an eco-friendly manner. By being reliant on the sun’s energy for heating, we reduce our carbon footprint and contribute to a cleaner environment.

6. Implement Efficient Waste Segregation

All waste is not made equal! Efficient segregation of your bathroom waste into recyclables (glass, paper) and non-recyclables simplifies the disposal process and benefits recycling productivity. It might feel a little daunting at first, but with time, you’ll find it quickly becomes a part of your routine that has a great impact on the planet.

7. Opt for Eco-friendly Air Fresheners

Most air fresheners you buy off the shelf are loaded with hazardous chemicals that can harm both you and the environment. Instead, opt for eco-friendly options that elevate the freshness quotient without leaving a toxic trail behind. Natural potpourri or essential oil diffusers can fill your bathroom with pleasant aromas without synthetic fragrances.

8. Go for Non-chemical Drain Cleaners

Your drains need love too! Unclogging them doesn’t have to involve harsh chemicals. Simple sodium-based products instead of traditional cleaners can have similar results without impactful harm on nature. Alternatively, a manual drain snake can prove effective without any chemicals at all!

9. Embrace Bamboo Toothbrushes and Accessories

Plastic toothbrushes take hundreds of years to decompose. Imagine that every toothbrush you’ve ever used is still somewhere on this planet! Choosing biodegradable options like bamboo toothbrushes can drastically cut down your personal waste. Plus, they make a stylish addition to your bathroom decor!

10. Use Cloth Towels Over Paper

Ever considered the sheer volume of paper towel waste we generate? This one-time use product contributes significantly to landfill waste. A switch to reusable cloth towels cuts down on trash and saves you quite a bit of cash in the long run. It’s a win-win situation for both you and the environment.

11. Buy Bulk Sized Liquid Soaps

Switching to bulk sizes of your favorite eco-friendly liquid soap represents a sizeable step toward your green lifestyle. These bulk sizes reduce the number of plastic bottles that eventually wind up in landfills. Plus, these soaps are often formulated without harsh chemical substances and use plant-based cleaning agents instead. This not only has a great impact on the environment but also keeps your skin safe from chemical-induced irritation.

12. Install a Dual-flish Toilet System

When it comes to water conservation, incorporating a dual-flush toilet system is a brilliant choice. Compared to traditional toilets, dual-flush models offer two flushing options: one for liquid waste (using less water) and one for solid waste. This feature can play a significant role in overall water savings, helping with conservation efforts while lowering your utility bills.

13. Choose Low-VOC Paint

To reflect your commitment towards green living right in the heart of your bathroom, consider switching to low-VOC or no-VOC paints. VOCs, or volatile organic compounds, are harmful chemicals found in many traditional paints that can be detrimental to both indoor air quality and the environment over time. Luckily, many brands now offer low-VOC or no-VOC options that are much better for both you and the planet.

14. Install LED or CFL Lights

An easy way to quickly make your bathroom more eco-friendly is to switch out your existing light bulbs for LED or CFL alternatives. These bulb types use significantly less energy compared to traditional incandescent bulbs and last much longer, so you’re not only reducing energy consumption but also minimizing waste. It’s as simple as unscrewing the old bulb and putting in an eco-friendly one!

15. Upcycle Old Bathroom Fixtures

Before tossing away that old bathroom fixture, consider how you might be able to upcycle it instead. Upcycling — or reusing materials or items in a way that improves their value — not only helps with waste management but it also adds character to your bathroom setup. What could be better than creating an eco-friendly space that’s truly unique to your home?

16. Use Non-toxic Caulking Material

Repairing a leaking tap or cracks around the bathroom? Opt for non-toxic caulking materials that are free from harmful chemicals and additives. Many conventional products contain toxic substances that pose potential health risks and can harm the environment as well. Therefore, non-toxic alternatives which possess the same sealing efficiency and longevity prove to be a safer bet.

17. Use Bath Bombs Over Liquids

Bath bombs offer an environmentally friendly alternative to liquid baths and bubble solutions. They perform a similar function – making your bath both fun and functional – but come without the packaging of liquids. Plus, many bath bombs are even infused with skin-nourishing agents like sodium bicarbonate.

18. Try Eco-friendly Shower Curtains

Swap out your regular shower curtains for more eco-friendly versions made from natural fibers — like hemp or organic cotton — or curtains made from PEVA, a PVC-free vinyl. Such options are free of harmful chemicals often found in standard artificial materials, such as PVC which emits dangerous toxins when heated.

19. Choose Recycled Glass for Décor

Taking a step towards an eco-friendly bathroom doesn’t just involve functionality; it extends to décor choices too! Consider choosing bathroom décor items made from recycled glass rather than virgin materials – these still give a stunning aesthetic while ticking the sustainability box. Recycled glass products range from decorative vases to soap dispensers and even wall tiles, proving that style and sustainability can indeed go hand-in-hand.

20. Start Using Handmade Organic Soaps

Finally, start replacing those chemical-laden commercial soaps with handmade organic soaps. These are typically made with natural ingredients, free of harmful substances, and come with reusable packaging. Made out of beneficial components like vinegar or sodium, these organic soaps deliver on the cleansing front while being kinder on your skin.

In Conclusion

Integrating these green lifestyle habits in your bathroom isn’t as daunting a task as it may seem. It’s all about making mindful day-to-day decisions that contribute to the broader goal of environmental sustainability. Remember: each small change gets you closer to that “Green & Clean” ideal bathroom, and helps to create a healthier home – and planet – for everyone.

Dan's Plumbing
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